Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Meet and Greet

This morning we got to go visit Isabelle's preschool to drop of paperwork and meet her teacher. The truth of the matter is that we already know her teacher. Mrs. Atkinson was Ian's teacher when he was three also! There is a certain comfort level in knowing her already. Somehow I think it makes it a little bit easier to start this journey. Actually I think it because I knew the school, I knew the teacher,I knew how they do things at the school, it might have made me a little too comfortable. I focused so much on Ian transitioning to Kindergarten, that I nearly forgot about her new adventure in preschool.
I had watched her walk up the ramp to "Ian's school" every morning last year. She loved going into the building and dropping him off and visiting with the teachers. But today was different! Today she walked up that ramp with her backpack (that is almost as big as she is) hanging from her back with a new determination. This was HER school now. She was so excited. She walked right into her room and was so excited to be there. She was a little disappointed to figure out that we weren't staying all day. She is very ready to go back on Thursday for her first real day of school!

Mrs. Atkinson and her newest little assistant!

Isabelle was thrilled to be able to help her teacher get the classroom ready for school! She lined up all of the teddy bears with their letters on them and handed them to Mrs. Atkinson in order. I am sure Mrs. Atkinson was grateful for the help!

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