Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Valentine's Goodies

I know these are hard to see. This picture almost reminds me of one of those pictures that you would get in school and you would have to figure out what it was. Do you remember those? They would zoom in on the most random the point that it was hard to figure out what it was that you were looking at.

Anyway...enough of that. This is a picture of the melted crayon hearts that we made to put on the kids' valentines this year. We have what seems to be an endless supply of broken crayons it seems. We decided to put them to good use this year! We peeled the paper off of all of them, broke them into little pieces and filled a little heart shaped mini muffin pan with them. Just a few minutes in the oven melted them right down and once they cooled, they were adorable little crayons! The kids thought it was so much fun to do!

After all of our crayon melting and valentine making activities, we all crawled in bed to the sound of rain falling outside. It was nice. What wasn't so nice was the fact that sometime during the night, that rain turned to snow. It wasn't much, but you have to understand that I live in Virginia where people can't even drive in rain. Who am I kidding? They can't drive in perfect weather!!! So as we started our morning routine on Valentine's day, I just happened to hear a mention of snow in the weather report and then looked up to see the school delays scrolling across the bottom of the tv screen.

Delays don't affect Ian's school really. He is in afternoon kindergarten, so the roads are clear and there are no worries for him. Isabelle, however, is greatly affected. Her school is only 3 hours long in the mornings. SO, if they have a two hour delay on the city schools, her school is then closed for the day. Therefore, I got the wonderful duty of explaining to her that she now had to wait until Tuesday to have her Valentine party. All in all she took it quite well. Especially when I told her that I was going to take her with me to Ian's classroom party!

So that brings us to his party. As we arrived, they had started passing out their valentines. They seemed to really enjoy it! Then they found a special spot in the room where they could look through all their valentines.

Isabelle was thrilled when she was invited to sit down with Ian for some snacks! Food is her love language!
This is one of Ian's best buddies in class, Brennan. Brennan always has a secret.
After snacks we stayed for centers. We played a lot of playdoh!
And, apparently this is Isabelle's look of concentration. Remember Ian sticks his tongue out? She just opts for the open mouth. Funny girl!

1 comment:

The Petersons said...

Show-off! You know I'm only kidding. I just wish I could be as creative as you are. Since I'm not that creative, I just steal your ideas and pretend like I'm creative. It works really well since we live so far apart; however, if we're ever stationed closer together again I may have to change my ways - only time will tell! In all actuality, I always give you credit for your great ideas. You deserve it. You are such a cool mom!!!